Become part of the world's most comprehensive Petfluencer database
Currently we have 600.000+ Petfluencer Profiles. Instagram, TikTok & YouTube
We are very happy that you want to become part of our Petfluencer family.
Use our app, available in the Apple Store or Google Play Store, to sign up for our platform for a chance to participate in our Petfluencer campaigns.
To register, you need at least 50 followers on Instagram, YouTube or TikTok. As part of the registration process, we also ask you to verify your Instagram account once and connect it to our system to get real-time insights for our campaigns.
Please install the appropriate app for your phone by clicking on one of the buttons below.
Contact details
Feel free to call or email us. We strive to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours on business days. We look forward to answering your questions.