Petfluencer Logo

We are Petfluencer database, Petfluencer management and consulting service. The world's most comprehensive petfluencer analysis database.

New for you
Petfluencer database with more than 600,000 social media profiles from Instagram, TikTok and YouTube
Power for your business with petfluencer marketing

THE Social Media
Marketing Petfluencer Platform for the Pet Industry

We are petfluencer database, petfluencer management and consulting service in one hand.

Creator Research

Use our database to find the right Petfluencer from over 600,000 profiles.

Petfluencer Management (PRM)

Manage your Petfluencer relationships, manage your Petfluencer contacts and control your campaigns.


We advise you on the entire campaign process. From the right Petfluencer matching to reporting.

Creator Research

The world's most comprehensive petfluencer analysis database

A total of 130 million social media profiles, of which 600.000 Petfluencer profiles. Instagram, TikTok & YouTube

Unsere State-of-the-Art AI gesteuerte Petfluencer Profildatenbank bietet mehr als 20+ intelligente Filter um passende Petfluencer für deine Marketingbedürfnisse zu finden. Die zusätzlichen “Audience Report Analytics” geben Dir einen noch transparenteren & detaillierten Einblick in das Profil.

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Our services

The Best Petfluencer
Social media marketing for the pet industry

24/7 Available

Our platforms are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your analytics and campaign planning.

Startup & Group

Whether just starting out or an established company. Whether snack or feed manufacturer, we help them all.

It fits together

Create campaigns with ease. With the DIY wizard or let us do the magic.

Petfluencer Relationship Management PRM
Petfluencer management (PRM)

Next Level Petfluencer
Relationship Management

Manage relationships

You manage all your Petfluencer relationships conveniently through our PRM software, communication takes place centrally through the platform.

Manage contacts

Manage existing Petfluencer contacts in our KPI Smart Lists, import them or invite influencers to your PRM.

Control campaigns

Identification of suitable petfluencers with detailed petfluencer search and profile analyses.

Create reports

Detailed reports are generated for each campaign, which you can create with one click from the content pieces created by Petfluencer.

flamingo instagram
flamingo tiktok
flamingo youtube

Our solution supports fully comprehensive social media data as well as additional audience reports from Instagram, TikTok and YouTube.

Agency support

Are you an agency?

Use our tech platforms for even better planning of your client Petfluencer campaigns

As an agency, you plan and create great campaigns for your clients. Use our platform to catapult your service to an even higher level. We do not appear ninja-like to the outside for your customers!

Petfluencer Relationship Management Agency

News for you!

Our campaigns bring your business to the right time
to the right people to drive traffic and engagement.

Discover why we
are perfect for your team

Ask for a demo today and get in touch with one of our experts.
